Sunday, June 02, 2013


My baby will be a year old very soon! It makes me really sad. Evie is such a sweet girl, and now she's pretty much a toddler - she's starting to have temper tantrums and everything! Yayyyyy...

Evie definitely has her own opinions, and likes and dislikes. She hasn't eaten baby food in months because she prefers to feed herself. She doesn't like to have her busy schedule interrupted to get her diaper changed. She loves pets, baths, lunchtime, balls, music, jumping on things, swinging, and riding on Nana's scooter.

My mom got her a princess ball at the grocery store. When she got it we taught her to say "ball" and she was saying "BAAAH..." and pointing to it just like we were. She also says "BUH" for "bye", and while we were in Nebraska she learned "DAH" for "dog." I love teaching her things. She's so smart.

She saw me kicking it around like a soccer ball and has been doing the same. Future soccer star!
This month I look forward to taking her to the pool for the first time! I know she loves water because she keeps trying to get into the water bowl at Keith's parents' house. I'm also planning a birthday party! So exciting! :D

Just like mommy with her little purse! She loves when I let her play with it.

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