Friday, October 12, 2012

House wife.

My mom believes it to be rude to be dressed in my pajamas when Keith gets home from work. She reminds me almost every time that happens. She thinks I need to dress up for him and have dinner on the table like a 50's house wife. Keith could care less, but I finally decided to take her advice and got dressed up. I'm a stinker. ;)

I even got Evangeline in on it.
He walked through the door and laughed. I wish I had more time to prepare. I would have put more effort into my hair and makeup. I went from pajamas and robe to this in 5 minutes... And then back into my pajamas right after the picture was taken.

Now, I agree with my mom for the most part. I certainly don't intend on "letting myself go" ever, but I just don't see the need to get all dolled up if I'm just staying at home all day - EVERYDAY. I like to get dressed up; it keeps me sane. Putting all that effort seems like a waste of time if baby just pulls out your hair, and spits up on your clothes, you know? I could just put some jeans and a nice top on, but without all the other preparations I feel like I'm saying "Hey, I got some clothes on, but don't really care about the other stuff." Surely I can't be alone in this feeling...

For fun, I found this "Good Wife's Guide". I've apparently got some adjustments to make...

I love you, mom!

1 comment:

Lindsea said...

Ha ha ha! "Remember, not to question his judgement."

And I absolutely LOVE that you dressed up like that. It makes me wish I had a ball gown to dress up in for the next time Trav comes home from work... which is always at midnight.