Friday, September 28, 2012

3 months

She's no longer a newborn. She can now stand up when we hold her, lift her head off the ground when she's on her belly, and she plays with toys! My baby!

Just to update on Keith and I - Keith is still working at the Marriott, and loving it. He's working hard to get promoted. Nothing yet, but it's looking good! I'm having fun being a stay at home mom. I have recently started making cute satin flower headbands for Evangeline, and I'm addicted. It's so fun! I've also been doing some photography projects for friends and family.

Speaking of friends; Evangeline had her first play date! We met this cutie at Kohls a couple of weeks ago and got together earlier this week. They loved each other! They kept making goo goo eyes at each other and started talking at each other. Cool story - They were born a day apart at the same hospital. So they probably already knew each other from the nursery. :) It turns out their mothers are both in need of friends these days too, so it's a good match! We had fun!

Evangeline is so sweet. She's started to talk and smile A LOT and it's much more gratifying to me as a mother. If I'm ever feeling frustrated at her she just has to smile at me and I am all better. I still have my moments of insanity, but I don't think that will ever go away. I'm a mommy now.

OH - also, she is sleeping through the night! The whole night! It started when she was about 7 weeks old. She would sleep longer and longer. She now sleeps 7-10 straight hours a night. I am a happy mama. She has spoiled me though. When she does have a night where she sleeps only 4 hours straight (rare) I get upset. haha. Our schedule usually goes like this: She goes to bed at around 11pm, sleeps til 6:30, eats, goes back to sleep 30 minutes later, and then wakes up again at 10:30 or 11. SO good. I love it.

Her stats - She weighs 16.3 lbs (chubs) and is in the 99th percentile (CHUBS!). I don't know what it is. I guess I produce whipped cream. She's a healthy little girl! I love every little roll and chin she's got. She's perfect to me. :)

1 comment:

Joel & Megan said...

Oh my goodness SHE IS ADORABLE!!!! And TOTALLY putting my 14 month old to shame!! :P He's only 17lbs. :P :P :P :P Gotta love it!