Friday, August 31, 2012

2 Months

My baby girl is 2 months old now. She's growing like a weed!

Yesterday we had her 2 month appointment. It was early in the morning, so I had to wake her up. She didn't mind; In fact, she was all smiles at the doctors office. She stopped smiling once the doctor started poking around at her. He gave her an A+! She's a healthy 13lb 10oz baby! (97th percentile! haha!)

She did great with the vaccines. She mostly didn't like being pinned down on the bed during the whole process, but she stopped crying after we picked her up and then fell asleep. Poor baby. I cried a bit, too. I hate to see her in pain.

Here are some things we know about Evangeline at 2 months:

1. She's a morning person. Most nights she is cranky from 10-12am. In the morning when she wakes up, she is SO happy. She coos and smiles and it's so cute.

2. She likes to see the world. If you hold her facing outwards she is a happy camper. If you don't, she'll fuss until you do.

3. She doesn't cry much. When she's unhappy she makes a sour face and we can usually fix the problem. It takes a while for her to work up a cry.

4. She loves to eat. Can you tell? She gets all excited and smiley when I nurse her. It's so funny.

She's developing such a cute personality. I'm excited to see how she grows in the next couple of months. I'm most excited for when she starts to giggle! She's come close a couple of times. I love to make people laugh, and babies are usually the best audience. :)

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