Sunday, February 03, 2013

7 Months

It kinda makes me sad that the most eventful things in our lives is when the baby becomes a month older. Seriously, my life is just taking care of her all the time.

I have been doing more things for myself. I have been exercising a little bit, not to lose weight so much, but to get some energy. Staying at home all day everyday makes it easy for me to just stay in my pajamas and be lazy, so running on the treadmill gets me energized. Also, I have been investing in a new wardrobe because my pre-pregnancy clothes don't fit like they used to! haha anyway, that's what I've been up to.

AAANYway, that's not why you're here. Here's an update on "The Boog".

7 Months old. Evangeline is crawling! She kinda hop-crawls. It's super cute. She's fast! The other day she saw the cords behind the TV and bolted towards them. I have to keep my eye on her at all times.

She pulls herself up on things. Now I have to hide all my goodies.

She loves most foods. The only thing she hasn't liked so far is avacados and green beans. SHE FREAKING LOVES COOKIES. No surprise there, though. She's pretty much made out of sugar. I ate tons of Nutella and chocolate milk when I was pregnant with her.

She is in the 92nd percentile at 19.8lbs and 23rd percentile for height at 25 inches. We're a short family. She's still wearing 9-12 month clothes! It's good because we have a lot of those. She's slimming down with all the moving she's been doing, but that double chin is still there. haha

Yesterday she learned how to wave, and today she was waving at the kids behind us in church.

She says "mamamama" and dadadada" and her favorite "BWAH BWAH BWAH" - She says that when she's bored or mad. She also says "Dip, dup, dap, dop." over and over (and other variations of that) when she's tired along with moving her arms up and down together. (Pictured above)

She loves the baby in the mirror, and she LOVES the Giggle Gang. My mom got this app on her iPad of the Giggle Gang and Evie will stop any crying she's doing at the drop of a hat, and start smiling all big when she hears the music.

I could go on and on. This month has been the most developmental month yet I think. She's such a little person now. Keith and I love it.


Jared and Brielle Rucks said...

i wish we still lived around the corner from each other so we could hang out during the day with our babies! i TOTALLY know how you feel. staying home and having no motivation to get dressed... especially when you have no where to go/none of your clothes fit like they used to. but im sure you are a great mama, and evie is too dang cute.... i cant get enough of that double chin!

Terrie B said...

Every baby phase is just SO cute, but dont ever think that no one wants to read about you. Dont underestimate the power of being REAL and even Raw sometimes. These moments are going you as well as they are her.

I have been going backwards in my usual role and I've been staying home more, and it's not the greatest thing for someone like me. I, too, want to stay in my pajamas, and I would love to get on a treadmill if I had one!

Terrie B said...

I meant, these moments belong to YOU as well as her. NO idea how that got mucked up. dang it now I have to do the captcha thing again.